Hey Partners! Here Are 6 Ways You Can Help Support Breastfeeding Moms

Just as it is for mom, a newborn is a huge learning experience for their partner too. Breastfeeding is a big part of this, and is just as important for them to get involved and feel a part of.

A team effort is crucial and allows the benefits of breastfeeding to continue for as long as possible with the support of a partner, and can strengthen your relationship in the long run. When we say ‘partner’, we aren’t being exclusive: dad, mom, grandma, uncle, best friend, neighbor…anyone who is there to support mom on this journey! Here are 6 ways you can help support a breastfeeding mom:

#1 Let Mom Relax

“Is there anything you need” are words of magic for a breastfeeding mom. Being hands on and helpful relieves the strain on her but also the stress on you both, and probably your relationship with a demanding newborn now in the mix. Be there for her, but don’t be overbearing. 

Give her time alone, take on more of the chores, cook dinner and giving her time to nap is key. Feeding another human is tiring enough alone, your support can make all the difference. 

#2 Breastfeeding Butler and Baby Transporter

Consider yourself mom’s butler when baby needs feeding, bring baby to mom and fulfil any request she has. You are baby’s mealtime transport, but also beverage bringer, masseuse, object reacher, or if she wants you to leave her the hell alone - that too. 

Take baby afterwards for diaper changes, burping or simply a cuddle. Any help is miraculous for mom and keeps you in the good books, especially in the middle of the night. 

#3 Diaper Duty

Mom feeds baby up to 10 times a day, leaving you on defacto diaper duty now. It may seem gross and unfair, but there really isn’t much choice. The poop will keep coming as the milk does and you’ll always have to be prepared. Poop patrol is your new mission. Developing a solid routine and being on top of things relieves mom of another big job. 


#4 Communication is Key

Looking after a newborn is no easy task, leaving both mom and partner tired and often overwhelmed. Often honest, open talking and communication is not at the forefront of your concerns, however it is vital to keep up and focus on. 

Baby’s happiness is of course the most important, but so is the happiness of your relationship too. Talking about how you’re both feeling and what you feel you both need from each other can make all the difference, and a healthy environment for baby to develop and grow up in. 

#5 Pump Accomplice

If your partner has decided to pump, be her active supporter. Prepare the bottles and all the parts and accessories, sort the milk into freezer bags, take the night shift to feed, carry the pump out to the car before work so she doesn’t have to.

You can also take this as an opportunity to bond, taking on a feeding session with pumped milk allows you to feel the same connection as mom and baby. Take advantage!

#6 Bond With Baby

The relationship between mom and baby isn’t the only important bond to build with a newborn, a partner’s bond is just as important to the family unit. Nursing is not the only way for a partner to bond with a breastfeeding baby, but skin to skin contact is just as important. 

Involving yourself with the baby, cuddling, nestling and other physical contact allow that early bond to begin its growth - and also allow mom some away time too!


Do you have any more tips to help partners get involved too? Let us know in the comments down below and remember to subscribe to our blog to receive regular updates and new articles. Whether you are a mother or an employer, join our discussion by following us on our social media: @lactlscreens and use #lactl.